How Not to Make a Podcast [Journal #1]


Photo by Jonathan Farber on Unsplash

Don’t Wait until you start a University degree, and more importantly, don’t wait until the time is right. When you decide the time is right and it is something that you want to do, just get it done.


Photo by from Pexels

With the wind in our faces and our tongues hanging out our mouths, like excited puppies on a road trip winding through the Great Ocean Road, we definitely were on our way.  There was no turning back. We now actually have a live Podcast Channel and it is available on Spotify and Apple Podcast amongst other platforms available  everywhere!

We are currently well on the way to our 4th interview (at the time of writing this post) and about to drop our 2nd Episode with the amazing Amanda Stevenson. She is a dynamic personal trainer who runs a fitness program and works with young kids at a  local Primary School.

Part of what we want to achieve is to document our journey to show  how easy it can be done to start something like this. It also doesn’t matter if  we stuff up along the way. The good thing is that, it doesn’t really matter.  Who cares right?

One of the challenges that we initially thought we would have was the fact that we both lived in different States in the country. The other thing was, what the heck were going to talk about, and who would listen to what we had to say. Driving through the day, especially in these times, everyone seemed to be advertising a podcast. It seemed that if anyone was going to launch one, it was now. There are now over 100 Million people around the world who listen to podcasts, and the numbers are growing each year.

Here is a listen to a few reasons why we shouldn’t do a podcast:

  • We don’t have the equipment to start one.
  • We are both busy working and studying already. We don’t have time.
  • It must be expensive to launch something like this.
  • What are we going to talk about?
  • Where do we start?
  • Why would anyone listen to us.
  • How do we get listeners?
  • How do we get onto Apple Podcast and Spotify?
  • How do we find people to interview?

The list can go on and on forever right?

All of the reasons above are all reasons why we are doing this. It is a challenge and it is an exciting new frontier for us. Although the industry seems new, Podcasts have been around over a good decade now.

It is also important to keep in mind that before 8 weeks ago, Lisa and I did not even know each other. In fact , we still haven’t officially met. The reason we have connected is because of the existence of this digitally connected world. The good thing about this for our situation was that because it was a pretty major assignment for us. We had to at least follow through to a working product that could be assessed.

We did our research and we assigned tasks evenly and we just got it done.  There are many podcast platforms out there that we could have used:

  • Buzzsprout
  • Podbean
  • Transistor
  • Simulcast
  • Captivate
  • Spreaker
  • Blah
  • Blah
  • Blah

So the point is that there are a ton load of choices to choose from. Our main points of difference that we were looking for was that we just wanted the platform to be:

  • Totally Free
  • East to use
  • Able to be used with gear we already had
  • We could record with multiple people involved
  • It could get us onto the main listening platforms
  • There were available resources to learn how to podcast
  • One that had a track record within the industry
  • It had to be the easiest and shiniest platform out there (Kidding…..not really!)

The internet is a weird and wonderful place for everything and anything. The one thing to point out with the platforms above that I have pointed out, was that none were free. When you look for stuff on the internet for a while, you kind of find out what is bullshit and what is not out there. There you go, I said it! Shhhhh. What, some of the stuff on here is rubbish! Crazy right!

All the platforms mentioned above may have some free trial period, and a couple have some very basic functionality that is free, but in my eyes, none of them were useable for what we wanted. We actually started to set up our channel on one platform, but it wasn’t very useable or editable from a hosting point of view. There were a handful of templates we could use, but we couldn’t edit most of it. We wanted to create something that was our brand.

The interesting thing I realised on my search for a hosting platform  was that many of the major blogs that spruiked these lists of platforms, were most likely earning affiliate commissions on the links that were on these lists. Therefore, this is why these platforms are all not totally free. They are being pushed to make money for the blogs for people who sign up from their personalised links. (Of course this is what we want to eventually do though right?)

Enter We actually set up our details on another platform before I found this one. At the end of the day, this hosting platforms did everything we wanted it to do. I only found it by accident whilst doing some research on another subject I was studying. I found this article on by one of their founders on Medium, a writing and ideas platform. (More on this later, because this company is mind-blowing).

Side Note – Check out Medium for articles on EVERYTHING! If you are going to search for ideas on where to start or just want some inspiration, do yourself a favour and cruise through their pages.

In a very short amount of time, we just got things going and started. We didn’t use fancy equipment microphones or sound studio. And not long after, we were recording away.

jaz-king-4fegNAjoAl4-unsplashPhoto by Jaz King on Unsplash

There you have the beginnings of how we got started on our podcast journey. We still have no idea what we are doing most of the time, but we are having fun doing this.

More on our journey soon. Oh yes, you also don’t need to start a blog. It’s just something we are doing as we can share the love with building this project together. I am also just enjoying writing content at the moment, which is weird for me. Slowly, I am learning and finding my groove. This is one message that I want to continue to put across,

Computer in the car recording a podcast

Just find what you love and keep searching for it. Never stop learning and exploring.

Love you all

Luki & Lisa

Episode 1 – Thalia Kouts [Ethica Activewear]

Podcast Link for Thalia

It is my pleasure to introduce to you the founder of a new leisure wear brand called Ethica Activewear. Her name is Thalia and I met her around 18 months ago in the most random place. She was a passenger in one of my trips an Uber driver. Today she gives a brief insight to her journey from idea to reality. In a crowded segment, she has built a point of difference to her brand by using economically sustainable materials. Her garments are made of bamboo and also out of recycled plastics.

Ethica Activewear is a  high-end, contemporary and functional activewear brand that can be worn from studio to street. Their ethos is to develop an eco conscious brand that will lead the way for others to follow in its footsteps.

On her own, she sourced the materials, designed her garments, created a following of 3000 followers on Instagram and launched her e-commerce website in the middle of the biggest pandemic event in our lifetimes. Through all of this, she has maintained her life as a full-time primary school teacher.

In her own words, “She would rather get things done” rather than spending too much time on planning. She did her research and she set about achieving little goals along the way. She has had some tough times along the way and hot some road blocks but she drove herself forward with the support of close friends and family.

Upon releasing this episode, Thalia was a feature on the Channel nine news in Adelaide and also the weekend newspapers. Through connections and reaching out to people, she continues to ask questions and asks for help when she needs it. More importantly she is continuing to learn the skills needed to drive her business forward. She is truely living the Zeitgeist.

She is testament to how anyone can start a side hustle from scratch. If the dream and the drive is big enough, anyone can do it. Remember the name and the brand as it will be here for a long time to come. We wish her well on her journey and we look forward to seeing her grow and be highly successful. We also thank Thalia for being involved in our very first episode.

Thalia is the founder of the new Ethical Activewear range, Ethica Activewear

Until next time, Live Work Digital…….Peace and Love!

Luki & Lisa

Welcome to the Podcast you have been waiting for…

Come and join us on our digital journey. Lisa and I were brought together by chance to develop a project which has evolved to be this website. We had no idea how to start a podcast channel at the beginning, but we did it anyway. We just knew that we both had an interest in the podcast world. By doing what we are doing, we want to show people that no matter what they want to do online, it can be done.

I am coming from the perspective of transitioning my career into a digital based work life. Currently in my 3rd year of a Digital and Social Media degree, I am a full time Uber driver and parent of 3 teenage kids. Lisa is a full time carer for her husband and has worked online the past 2 years developing here E-Learning business.

With the world currently in lockdown through the Corona Virus pandemic, it has never been more important for people to look at their career options. We want to be able to not only share our experiences, but we want to be able to share the experiences of others who have also ventured into the online space.

Are you ready to join us on our adventure?

Check us out here