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More Than Your Average Podcast

Your mates are already living the dream in Bali? You see them living an amazing life surfing the beaches and cafes in Canggu! Is this the life for you? Surely, anyone can do it right?

Join us in our journey to learn from people who have already been living this digital lifestyle. Listen to ordinary people that are already doing it and living it  on their own terms.

Is it all that it’s cracked up to be? Is it as easy as it looks? Our topics will cover all things that are digitally related and more.


Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

Social media is now ingrained in how people live every day. How do people manage the line between digital and analogue reality? We now live in a world where we are the most connected to information in history. Is there a tipping point that living a digital lifestyle becomes too much?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

The work environment has shifted during the past few years. People now have more choice in how they can live their work lives. How many companies will evolve to have hybrid workplaces? Will more people live the Gig life and take control of their future? Time will tell.

Photo by Afta Putta Gunawan on Pexels.com

So you have a business and you want to take it online. Where do you start? What do you need to know? We talk to people who are living it . We ask them how they switch from work to play. The reality is that social, work and play have now become one reality.


Lisa and Luki were brought together by chance. Both are students who are currently completing their respective degrees at Curtin University. As fate would have it, they were brought together to complete a group assignment to develop a Web Media Product.

“We wanted to do something that was current and that was useful and that we could potentially continue on with after it was completed.”

So was born, the concept of the Live Work Digital podcast.

Get in Touch

If you want to become involved with Live Work Digital, drop us a line on the email below.

If you know someone who you think is awesome and has an online business, let them know about us and get them to make contact.

If you need help with anything that involves Living and Working in the Digital world, ALSO, drop us a line.

Let’s grab a virtual coffee together and chat about your story.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.