
Live Work Digital – Stuff Gets real!

And so our journey has begun.

Today we recorded our very first episode EVER! With no knowledge or experience of the podcast industry we did it anyway. We learnt everything on the fly and did all of this with no special equipment, apart from our earphones and our mobile phones. We started this project with just an idea, and somehow just kept on going with it. Even more remarkable is the fact that Lisa and I didn’t even know each other 9 weeks ago.

Our very first episode will feature Thalia Kouts, the founder of Ethica Activewear, a new player in the leisure apparel scene. She is a full time Teacher, and she has built this brand from scratch, only launching her full e-commerce store a few weeks ago. She had an idea 4 years ago and from there, she just kept on going, step by step, to launch her eco friendly brand. Her clothes  are all made from sustainable materials (Bamboo &  Recycled plastic) and they are designed by herself and made in Adelaide.

Fun Fact:  Lisa lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, and I am in Melbourne, meaning all three of us did the interview from 3 different States. Very cool right?

Live Work Digital hopes to encourage, teach and motivate people that want to work in the online world. It is not for everyone, but for those that are searching for their next career step, we want to provide as much content as possible for people to see that it is possible. We are also both just learning and hopefully, we can encourage people to join us for the ride.


Peace & Love,

Luki & Lisa

Welcome to the Podcast you have been waiting for…

Come and join us on our digital journey. Lisa and I were brought together by chance to develop a project which has evolved to be this website. We had no idea how to start a podcast channel at the beginning, but we did it anyway. We just knew that we both had an interest in the podcast world. By doing what we are doing, we want to show people that no matter what they want to do online, it can be done.

I am coming from the perspective of transitioning my career into a digital based work life. Currently in my 3rd year of a Digital and Social Media degree, I am a full time Uber driver and parent of 3 teenage kids. Lisa is a full time carer for her husband and has worked online the past 2 years developing here E-Learning business.

With the world currently in lockdown through the Corona Virus pandemic, it has never been more important for people to look at their career options. We want to be able to not only share our experiences, but we want to be able to share the experiences of others who have also ventured into the online space.

Are you ready to join us on our adventure?

Check us out here