

Lisa Listama, Sparkle E-Learning

Hi I’m Lisa 

I’m a super enthusiastic advocate for adult learning and online learning! I specialise in online learning design and development. I offer full design and development of online learning products, consulting and face to face training. I’m a one-stop shop for all adult and corporate learning! www.sparkleelearning.com

Feel Free to make contact with us Here


Luki Soeradinata, Uber Dude

Howdy, I’m Luki

I am a father of 3 teenage kids, a full-time student and Uber driver. I have tried many things and failed many times, but each time I somehow find a way to pick myself up and and then keep going. A few years ago, I became an author and I published my story in a book based on my recent struggles. I am not sure what lies ahead, but all I know is that I am on the right path. Somehow, I have landed here and I am looking forward to the journey ahead.