Life Updates

A few weeks ago, Lisa and I touched base to record our latest podcast episode. It had been a long time between drinks so really it was just to catch up and also see what we both have been doing since we initially started the Podcast that is Live Work Digital.

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Obviously we haven’t posted much in recent times but there is actually also 2 episodes that were done last year that remain unpublished. They will be launching shortly.

We could have easily shut everything down, but I had always had the feeling that the podcast had to keep going. I felt that it would help us both in the longer term. It was just a gut feel because we put in a lot of effort to get it started and it would have been a shame to let the knowledge go by the wayside.

Lets face it, the last 12 months has been an interesting one for everyone. For me, it was being apart from my wife who is a Permanent Resident in Singapore. From the very start, we were in a long distance relationship and we both just travelled back and forth the whole time. With having kids from a previous marriage and the fact that I was finishing my University Degree in Digital and Social Media, this was the path we were destined to follow. Like everyone else in most parts of the world, we just had to do what we could to get through and remain as positive as we could. So, now I start my new journey in Singapore and looking forward to opening more doors, whilst I build my brand and doing a little more studying. (TESOL – Teaching English as a Second Language).

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

For Lisa, her e-Learning business was going from strength to strength. She had plenty of learnings along the way as all small business owners do. More on this on our podcast but her business was gaining momentum and she knew she had to make changes to take it to the next level. Currently she is in the process of rebranding but she also has changed the structure of her business. Along the way, she also consulted for a large Queensland based corporation. This was where she had an ‘AHA’ moment. She realised that she was not built to work for anyone else again! She was a busy girl indeed but she knew this fact. So much so that she was not able to start her last University Subject to graduate. She is about to finish that shortly now that she has a bit more time up her sleeve.

Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash

More insight into both our journey’s will be on our upcoming podcast but what is evident is that both our paths are clearly involved in working and living in the digital environment. We will therefore continue to spruik the Live Work Digital message. Of course, it isn’t for everyone, but what is evident now is that the workplace environment in most industries has changed forever. Whether we like it or not, most of us cannot avoid this fact.

Until next time, Live Work Digital.
