How Not to Make a Podcast [Journal #2]

jonathan-farber-r-QvLCLakkA-unsplash-picture of a microphone

Photo by Jonathan Farber on Unsplash

Ok, so we are now on a bit of a role and we will soon be dropping Episode 3 of our little Podcast Channel. It has been fun so far and we are in the process of doing more interviews. As I write this, we did our first Zoom interview with a dynamic chap who is originally from Albany, but is now residing in Bali, following his heart and his passion. His story will resonate with a lot people.

The thing is, now what? What do we do with this thing? Our plan is to build a 10 episode season with 10 people and then we do a summary of the things we have learnt so we can share the main points to everyone. By this stage, we will have enough to develop an e-book or a training course, but we shall have to see how we feel when we get there. The other point is, neither Lisa or I have been interviewed as well! The plan is to do a special interview Bonus Episode as a bookend at the end of the first season. I suspect, we both have more of a story to tell  when we get a chance to ask each other some hard hitting questions.


Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash

Eventually we  need to start setting some goals about what we want to achieve out of this thing, What do we want our Instagram account to achieve? Do we just want to gain as many followers as possible and as quickly as possible? Where does LinkedIn sit in with all of this? Are we in a hurry? Not particularly. We want to be able to research and build on our knowledge base and then share what we did. We can then see whether the strategies we are using are working. We can also see what is not working.

Our journey seems to be continuing because we both want to see where this takes us. We both agreed today after discussing our recent interview recording that if we both had wanted to try this podcast thing out separately, then it wouldn’t have gotten this far. There is no expectation for either of us to push each other to get done. There seems to be a natural flow about how we work together on this little podcast thing.

The beauty of our partnership, is that we both are on the same page on most things we have done up to this point. We will keep things fluid and by the time our first season is completed, I am sure we will have figured it out to some point. There is no pressure for Lisa to add content on the blog even. I am enjoying the sharing and the writing and learning a bit more about myself along the way.

So, where too from here? It is well and good that we are creating these episodes, but there is no point if only a few people listen to it. The key for us is to keep things steady and pointed in the right direction. We are also being mindful that it doesn’t put too much stress and pressure on our normal weekly routines. For me its easy, I just fit it in amongst my driving. Lisa still has her normal Digital Life business to keep going.


At this moment in time, we actually have actually locked in a confirmed 7 episodes and about to lock in an 8th. This covers a broad range of people and their stories, but we want to make sure we don’t miss out on an opportunity to showcase a specific topic which relates to living or working in this digital lifestyle. The episode we are editing covers SEO and someone who works in the corporate space already. in fact, it is someone who Lisa had connected with through another subject at Uni.

I will share my thoughts and feelings along the way here because it is coming from a good heart space within me. Our brand, whatever that may be, is evolving and developing on it’s own and even though we did not set out to develop a brand, we are creating one through our sharing and our connecting with business owners.   As we do more interviews and we develop our followers and build a tribe of like minded thinkers, then we will evolve into our space.

For some, this airy fairy way to navigate through the venture would not be a suitable fit. This might be the case, but our Collective Intelligence forms the cornerstone of our brand and our way of thinking. The end result seems to be working. I think what is important is the thought process and how we can evolve at any time. If people are seeing what we are doing and have an opinion on it, then as a result, by default, they are learning about themselves and starting to get some ideas into their own picture.

Lisa and I seem to work in synergy with each other blindly fumbling our way through it, but still learning some really good lessons along the way.  I said to Lisa the other week that we have a unique style of conversation that is  “Professionally Unpolished.” Bit of a weird statement, but as we continue to define our audience, this will change. We want to capture an audience where they know that we are just learning along the way.

There will come a time  when we definitely need to set some clear and defined goals. This is so we start to have an idea where this is headed. For the moment, there is no pressure to to get to an end date by a certain timeframe. I think it is more important that we are both enjoying the process than the project itself. What becomes of it after, and how it impacts on business new connections for Lisa and opportunities for me, then that will naturally present itself  when the time is right.

From my point of view, the path is getting clearer. Luki Soeradinata, Podcaster/Blogger. This is where I am headed.

Until the next Journal post, Go your own way!

Live Work Digital,


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