Anyone can do it!

This whole project has been developed to show people how to go about starting anything online. The internet is a vast and wonderful ocean full of information and it can be very overwhelming.  To be build this website, we used Google and  the collective knowledge of the both of us. However it is not as easy at it seams. Everywhere you go there are thousands of doors with just as much information behind them. It is easy for people to be disheartened because they don’t know where to start.

There is one key message we do would like to stress to everyone. One of the most important aspects of building an online presence is to ensure any copyright and intellectual property is protected. This is for the benefit of everyone. Never use anyone else’s work or information. Something that may seem harmless at the beginning, may end up putting you in a difficult position in the future.

One of our strategy’s was to ensure all the images and media we have used are all royalty free from a number of well known websites. [We used Unsplash, Pixabay & Pexels, but there are many others available for people to use].

There also many website free applications that can help build your website and brands with all of them having many templates available for the first time user. You can play around and  you can make as many mistakes as possible. The reason we used WordPress here was because I did just that a number of years ago. I played around and built some different things and my knowledge grew for there.

Lisa and I did our research and we even found for the podcast platform. It was easy to open an account with them and they have there own teaching episodes on their podcast channel.  There is plenty of information to get answers for when we got stuck with things,. Everything is free and all we needed was a profile and an app on the phone. No fancy equipment required! We just made it happen. The App was also easy to use and navigate through.

As much as we have used royalty free images in the spirit of sharing and collaborating online, our next blog post will acknowledge some of the freelancer images and videos we have used to create media for our use to build our brand for the podcast.

We also have licensed our website and content through here. More on this kind of licensing is going to be covered at a later blog post.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

So if you are stuck, or you don’t know where to start, drop us a line and make contact with us and maybe we can point you in the right direction. GO FOR IT!

Live Work Digital……….Peace & Love

Luki & Lisa

Episode 1 – Thalia Kouts [Ethica Activewear]

Podcast Link for Thalia

It is my pleasure to introduce to you the founder of a new leisure wear brand called Ethica Activewear. Her name is Thalia and I met her around 18 months ago in the most random place. She was a passenger in one of my trips an Uber driver. Today she gives a brief insight to her journey from idea to reality. In a crowded segment, she has built a point of difference to her brand by using economically sustainable materials. Her garments are made of bamboo and also out of recycled plastics.

Ethica Activewear is a  high-end, contemporary and functional activewear brand that can be worn from studio to street. Their ethos is to develop an eco conscious brand that will lead the way for others to follow in its footsteps.

On her own, she sourced the materials, designed her garments, created a following of 3000 followers on Instagram and launched her e-commerce website in the middle of the biggest pandemic event in our lifetimes. Through all of this, she has maintained her life as a full-time primary school teacher.

In her own words, “She would rather get things done” rather than spending too much time on planning. She did her research and she set about achieving little goals along the way. She has had some tough times along the way and hot some road blocks but she drove herself forward with the support of close friends and family.

Upon releasing this episode, Thalia was a feature on the Channel nine news in Adelaide and also the weekend newspapers. Through connections and reaching out to people, she continues to ask questions and asks for help when she needs it. More importantly she is continuing to learn the skills needed to drive her business forward. She is truely living the Zeitgeist.

She is testament to how anyone can start a side hustle from scratch. If the dream and the drive is big enough, anyone can do it. Remember the name and the brand as it will be here for a long time to come. We wish her well on her journey and we look forward to seeing her grow and be highly successful. We also thank Thalia for being involved in our very first episode.

Thalia is the founder of the new Ethical Activewear range, Ethica Activewear

Until next time, Live Work Digital…….Peace and Love!

Luki & Lisa

Live Work Digital – Stuff Gets real!

And so our journey has begun.

Today we recorded our very first episode EVER! With no knowledge or experience of the podcast industry we did it anyway. We learnt everything on the fly and did all of this with no special equipment, apart from our earphones and our mobile phones. We started this project with just an idea, and somehow just kept on going with it. Even more remarkable is the fact that Lisa and I didn’t even know each other 9 weeks ago.

Our very first episode will feature Thalia Kouts, the founder of Ethica Activewear, a new player in the leisure apparel scene. She is a full time Teacher, and she has built this brand from scratch, only launching her full e-commerce store a few weeks ago. She had an idea 4 years ago and from there, she just kept on going, step by step, to launch her eco friendly brand. Her clothes  are all made from sustainable materials (Bamboo &  Recycled plastic) and they are designed by herself and made in Adelaide.

Fun Fact:  Lisa lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, and I am in Melbourne, meaning all three of us did the interview from 3 different States. Very cool right?

Live Work Digital hopes to encourage, teach and motivate people that want to work in the online world. It is not for everyone, but for those that are searching for their next career step, we want to provide as much content as possible for people to see that it is possible. We are also both just learning and hopefully, we can encourage people to join us for the ride.


Peace & Love,

Luki & Lisa